
Ed and Crystal Bridgeman ’57 Chevy project



In the beginning, Crystal took the lead on her ’57 Chevy. She really did a great job!


















As you can see, we have elected to strip entire car down to metal.  Original paint was too iffy.










We’re making ready all the body parts for paint.  Body is nearly stripped of all the old color.  Just need to do final bodywork, then seal and sand for new color.  It’s the end of April and at last we can start seeing it coming together.  Interior of body is done and just waiting for carpet and headliner.






































Here’s a pic of driver’s floor right after it was cut out.  













A great deal of interior sheet metal was replaced with new Eckler components.  















This is a pic of the new driver floor installed.  










Another person that has spent lots of his time and expertise in bodywork is Rick Bailey.  This good good friend is a real magician with metal.  He has spent many Sundays here at my shop getting dirty and waving his wand (hammer) over problem areas.













We had just removed what was left of driver’s side dogleg.  This was replaced with new part from Ecklers, perfect fit!  


























This project began in March of 2019.  At this point in our work, all the suspension components, springs, wheels, brakes, cooling, exhaust, engine and trans are new.  In March 2020, after a few tries, this 58 ‘Vette motor fired right up at Terry Ford’s shop.  A very special thanks to Terry for all the work that he did in helping to get to this point.  Also hats off to Dwayne for his assistance too.  A True Friend!











Terry Ford helping with the transmission installation.










Getting final clear coat!











Getting closer………..










An exciting work in progress.  Next will be the cut and buff.  Eeeeek!  This is no time for the timid.









Crystal sanding clear coat.


Sanding and more sanding.  Then buffing like there’s no tomorrow.  But we knew we were progressing.

Once the buffing was done, then came the assembling of this beauty.









She got an old license plate thanks to Rick Bailey.  As parts came in, we kept this moving forward. 

















































Started polishing all the original stainless steel and other bright work.  This was time consuming.

























Started the upholstery, another hat to wear and big learning curve.




















Front seat was a nightmare, definitely a process that needed to be done in order.  Moving forward!





Final buffing is done.  Next step will be bugs on the windshield!

Posted in Project Highlight

2017 Injectors Car Show



Club pick '37 Ford owner wins an embroidered jacket

Club pick ’37 Ford owner wins an embroidered jacket


P1130419P1130411DSC_2018DSC_2051DSC_2046DSC_2009A beautiful sunny and warm day without smoke from the summer fires was just what we needed to finish the summer off with our car show.  Attendance of show participants was down this year, maybe due to the recent smoky atmosphere, but those that showed up enjoyed the day.  We had good participation for the Education Alley and the Seven Bee Band played throughout the day.  President Gary Vanhorn dared to wear some pants likely stolen from a circus performer or Mardi Gras attendee.  Frozen t-shirt contest was a chiller!  Our club pick was the very cool red and black ’37 Ford from Canada, whose owner will receive a jacket embroidered on the back with a likeness of his car .  DSC_2013DSC_2015DSC_2033

Somewhere a clown is missing his pants.

Somewhere a clown is missing his pants.

Frozen t-shirts are cool!

Frozen t-shirts are cool!


Posted in News, Photo Gallery

2016 Injectors Car Show

img_0816img_0814img_0812img_0811img_0810img_0809img_0808img_0807img_0806img_0804img_0815What a beautiful day in Sandpoint for our show this year!  We had a Home Depot activity booth for the kids and a metal working display too.  The Seven Bee Band provided live music throughout the day.  Our club pick was a beautifully finished 1946 Hudson pickup truck.  We were able to donate about $4,000.00 to local charities as a result of this show and our other club activities this year.  img_0828img_0825img_0823img_08221946 Hudson Pickup, club pick 2016img_0819img_0818img_0817

Posted in News, Photo Gallery

IAC cruise to The View restaurant

One pleasant evening in July many members cruised to The View restaurant across from Lake Cocolalla for a meal of tacos or a cheeseburger.  The View was very accommodating to us and the food was good too!  We packed the place with about 40 people.  We like to drive our cars and we like to eat, so it was a fun event!  Rides in attendence (1)Gary Vanhorn talikn' it up!Waitin' for dinnerFriendly crowd!

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IAC float entry in July 4th parade

The Sandpoint July 4th parade saw this creative entry by the IAC which depicted a family of happy vacationers on their way to, where else, Disneyland!  Grandma comes along for the ride to help corral the youngsters and is wearing her most colorful outfit.  Dad has done his best to coordinate his outfit too!  Just in case they go swimming they have an air mattress to enjoy.  Let’s hope they make it before ALL the tires are flat!  Remember Burma Shave and their highway sign advertising?  Thanks to all who helped put this together, it was enjoyed by all at the parade and elicited many comments!  Some club member’s cars were lined up behind to follow it through the parade.  GRamma getting rowdyThe family ready to travelSetup and ready to cruiseLining up for the ParadeDisneyland or bustReadying the rideFloat crew

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Sandpoint Senior Center BBQ

Poster[1]BBQ crew[1]Servers[1]IAC members hosted a BBQ as a fundraiser for the Senior Center on June 18.  Tim Gates brought his custom made BBQ and food was donated by Super 1 market and club members.  Over $900 was raised through the sale of food and raffle tickets!  It was a fun day, and was very well received.  Let’s do it again!  Thank you IAC for giving your time and energy!

Posted in Photo Gallery

Winter 2016 newsletter

IAC Newsletter Winter 2016 (1)

Posted in News

2015 Injectors Car Show Winner of Club Pick

2015 Injector Winner 1957 Olds Super 88Dennis O’Brien with his excellent 1957 Olds Super 88.

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2015 Injectors Car Show judging results

Injectors Car Club 2015 Awards

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The Fords, longtime Injectors members, showing off their trophy plaque at 2015 Lost in the 50s Car Show


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