
2014 Injectors Car Show

'32 Ford

’32 Ford

 Another beautiful day in downtown Sandpoint Idaho, perfect for a car show.  We had a good turnout with many people coming down from Canada to enjoy the day.  Club president Gary was our most capable emcee, and this year we added a Make ‘n Take model kit build for kids, which was well received and participated in by kids and parents.  There was a dragster on display, which you don’t often see downtown!  Our frozen t-shirt contest always cools off the participants.  Club members voted for their favorite car at the show and the winner is this silver ’56 Chevy. The owner received a custom embroidered jacket. We are able to donate to several local charities due to the generosity of the local businesses, community, and help from our members and many other volunteers. Come join us next year!

'71 Roadrunner

’71 Roadrunner

Club President Gary

Club President Gary

Friendly helpful registration

Friendly helpful registration

Girls also like building

Girls also like building

Happy builder!

Happy builder!

Intense concentration

Intense concentration

Make 'n Take action 1

Make ‘n Take action 1

Make 'n Take action 2

Make ‘n Take action 2

Make'n Take action 3

Make’n Take action 3

Model display and Make 'n Take

Model display and Make ‘n Take

Music and announcer

Music and announcer

Nice day for a car show

Nice day for a car show

Ron Kauble's dragster 2

Ron Kauble’s dragster 2

Ron Kauble's dragster

Ron Kauble’s dragster

Say Cheese!

Say Cheese!

Sign in area

Sign in area

Some of the entrants

Some of the entrants

T-bird hybrid

T-bird hybrid

Unwrapping the frozen t-shirts 1

Unwrapping the frozen t-shirts 1

Unwrapping the frozen t-shirts 2

Unwrapping the frozen t-shirts 2

Unwrapping the frozen t-shirts 5

Unwrapping the frozen t-shirts 5

Unwrapping the frozen t-shirts 4

Unwrapping the frozen t-shirts 4

Unwrapping the frozen t-shirts 3

Unwrapping the frozen t-shirts 3


2014 Club Choice ’56 Chevy


’56 Chevy owner with prize jacket


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2013 Events Photo Album

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