
Ed and Crystal Bridgeman ’57 Chevy project



In the beginning, Crystal took the lead on her ’57 Chevy. She really did a great job!


















As you can see, we have elected to strip entire car down to metal.  Original paint was too iffy.










We’re making ready all the body parts for paint.  Body is nearly stripped of all the old color.  Just need to do final bodywork, then seal and sand for new color.  It’s the end of April and at last we can start seeing it coming together.  Interior of body is done and just waiting for carpet and headliner.






































Here’s a pic of driver’s floor right after it was cut out.  













A great deal of interior sheet metal was replaced with new Eckler components.  















This is a pic of the new driver floor installed.  










Another person that has spent lots of his time and expertise in bodywork is Rick Bailey.  This good good friend is a real magician with metal.  He has spent many Sundays here at my shop getting dirty and waving his wand (hammer) over problem areas.













We had just removed what was left of driver’s side dogleg.  This was replaced with new part from Ecklers, perfect fit!  


























This project began in March of 2019.  At this point in our work, all the suspension components, springs, wheels, brakes, cooling, exhaust, engine and trans are new.  In March 2020, after a few tries, this 58 ‘Vette motor fired right up at Terry Ford’s shop.  A very special thanks to Terry for all the work that he did in helping to get to this point.  Also hats off to Dwayne for his assistance too.  A True Friend!











Terry Ford helping with the transmission installation.










Getting final clear coat!











Getting closer………..










An exciting work in progress.  Next will be the cut and buff.  Eeeeek!  This is no time for the timid.









Crystal sanding clear coat.


Sanding and more sanding.  Then buffing like there’s no tomorrow.  But we knew we were progressing.

Once the buffing was done, then came the assembling of this beauty.









She got an old license plate thanks to Rick Bailey.  As parts came in, we kept this moving forward. 

















































Started polishing all the original stainless steel and other bright work.  This was time consuming.

























Started the upholstery, another hat to wear and big learning curve.




















Front seat was a nightmare, definitely a process that needed to be done in order.  Moving forward!





Final buffing is done.  Next step will be bugs on the windshield!

Posted in Project Highlight