
IAC float entry in July 4th parade

The Sandpoint July 4th parade saw this creative entry by the IAC which depicted a family of happy vacationers on their way to, where else, Disneyland!  Grandma comes along for the ride to help corral the youngsters and is wearing her most colorful outfit.  Dad has done his best to coordinate his outfit too!  Just in case they go swimming they have an air mattress to enjoy.  Let’s hope they make it before ALL the tires are flat!  Remember Burma Shave and their highway sign advertising?  Thanks to all who helped put this together, it was enjoyed by all at the parade and elicited many comments!  Some club member’s cars were lined up behind to follow it through the parade.  GRamma getting rowdyThe family ready to travelSetup and ready to cruiseLining up for the ParadeDisneyland or bustReadying the rideFloat crew

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